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Extreme melting & inflow with a risk of 10 TWh spillage

Eylert Ellefsen
Archived blog post. This blog post has been transferred from our previous blogging platform. Links and images may not work as intended.

EQ hydrology forecasts show inflow to Norwegian reservoirs will average  180% of normal levels over the coming two weeks, as higher temperatures accelerate the spring melt.

The combined snow and groundwater levels in Norway reached a year-high of 200% ofthe normal level by week 21. EQ’s forecasts predict around 10 TWh spillage because of the rapid spring melt and exceptionally high snow and groundwater levels:

EQ expects the Norwegian reservoirs will hit max capacity by mid-July (week 29/30):

“During the forecast flooding situation in mid-June, we estimate 1-2 TWh of spilled water, while the second wave, when reservoirs are full, will be more severe,” says EQ’s hydrologist Eylert Ellefsen.

“Wet conditions in July and August may cause severe flooding damage along several watercourses. We estimate 8-9 TWh spilled water in August given normal precipitation.”

EQ continually updates our hydrology forecasts for the entire Europen hydropower system.

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