Energy Quantified is part of Montel.

Weather for power

Improving and aligning output from multiple weather forecasting models for power modelling purposes.

More than the best weather forecast

Choose from seven of the best weather models with 24 daily updates, adjusted, tuned and prepared for translating weather variables into price models. Here are some of the variables you can get:
Thousands of weather stations weighted with relative power consumption, adjusted to observed weather via Kalman filters.
Net precipitation energy
Precipitation and evaporation in capture fields quantified into potential energy content. The starting point for hydro power and hydrology.
Evaporation in capture fields quantified into potential energy content. 
River temperatures
Monitoring and forecasting cooling water temperatures. An early warning of capacity reductions in nuclear and conventional thermal power plants.
Cloud coverage index
The need for artificial light affected by the weather conditions. Presented as share, where 100 means full effect. Improves the performance of power demand models.
Chilling index
Captures the effect of combined temperature and wind on heating demand. Tells you when and how much consumption change even when temperatures do not change.
Heating index
Captures the share of installed heating capacity in use. Indicates e.g. when even colder weather does not affect consumption.
Cooling index
The share of air conditioning that is utilised. Accurate indication of consumption response to heatwaves.
Local forecasts
We can provide curated history, seasonal normals and forecasts for any location.  This includes all mentioned variables and many more.

Weather insight by meteorologists

Get daily comments on the weather by professional meteorologists from the Swedish Meteorology and Hydrology Institute (SMHI).
Weather maps

Live updated weather maps over Europe. Get cloud coverage, temperature, precipitation, pressure, and wind. See direct weather model output or how the forecasts differ from the normal.

4 week and seasonal outlooks

Maps and comments on the outlook for the medium-term and the seasonal ECMWF weather forecasts. Focus on trends and indicators of how the weather seems to be in the coming weeks and months.

Daily comments

Comments on the industry-standard weather forecasts from ECMWF and GFS. Published throughout the day when new forecasts are issued, the comments focus on signals that you should look out for when you are in power.

Chat with a meteorologist

Private live chat into the SMHI HQ with on-duty meteorologists, ready to answer your questions related to the weather and weather forecasts. Open all workdays.

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