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Get imbalance and regulation prices and volumes from one source.

Imbalance market

The imbalance price is used for the financial settlement of the volume of the physical deviation of the market participants during the balancing period. The balancing period varies between countries, from 15-minutes to one-hour resolution.
Imbalance prices

There is no uniform rule for setting the imbalance price in Europe, but commonly it is based on the costs in the regulating market. In addition to a single imbalance price, a dual price system with different prices for positive and negative imbalance scan used, and a distinction between consumers and producers can also be applied.

Imbalance volumes

The imbalance volume is the sum of the deviation of all balancing responsible parties in the time interval.

ReBAP (Germany)

The German imbalance price is published delayed on the 20th working day after the accounting month. We therefore calculate an estimate based on regulation cost and imbalance volumes at the end of each quarter of an hour.

Regulating market

Electricity generation and consumption must be kept in balance at all times. Different types of operating reserves are procured by the transmission system operator for frequency control.
Prices and volumes
We collect and publish prices and volumes of activated upward and downward regulation energy as close to real time as possible.
The purpose of the International Grid Control Cooperation is cross-border imbalance netting between TSOs in continental Europe in order to avoid activation of automatic frequency restoration reserves in opposite directions.
FCR – Fast reserves
The frequency containment reserve is used to support the grid frequency at 50 Hertz across the synchronised areas.
aFFR – Automatic reserves
The automatic frequency restoration reserve is a centralised automatically activated reserve for eliminating control area imbalances.
mFFR – Manual reserves
The manual frequency restoration reserve replaces the automatic frequency restoration reserve during prolonged control area imbalances.
RR – Replacement reserves
The replacement reserve is activated in case of large or prolonged imbalances to relieve the frequency restoration reserves.
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