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Happy birthday 2018

Hugo Birkelund
Archived blog post. This blog post has been transferred from our previous blogging platform. Links and images may not work as intended.

On the first of September 2017, we went to work on building a groundbreaking new analysis service for the European power markets. Our goal was to have it ready for you in one year – and here we are, having reached our first milestone.

We have turned every stone in our pursuit for new ways of doing things faster and better for you. Naturally, we’ve changed the subscription model as well.

Claim access

With Energy Quantified, you claim admission once, and enjoy access to analysis content on demand indefinite. However, when your usage clearly indicates that EQ has become a part of your operations, we get back to you and ask for a subscription fee for the information you use frequently. If you for any reason find that you do not want to subscribe, we simply limit the access to this content. We do not shut you out of EQ entirely.

The advantage is obvious. You enjoy uninterrupted and on-demand access to market intelligence and analysis, and there is no unnecessary bureaucracy. In effect, you pay for what you need in your operations.

A huge platform already

Energy Quantified now offers price forecasts, market-moving fundamentals and weather information at a breathtaking pace, with 15 minutes time resolutions and an unprecedented number of alternative forecasts – for all price areas in Europe.

Screenshot of EQ

We even support local forecasts: Tell us where you or your clients operate, and we will feed you long-term historical data, seasonal norms and forecasts for any location you specify. All in 15 min resolution of course.

Convenience of delivery is as important as the data itself, and it all happens within the same uniform and easy-to-use framework – saving our users time and money from the get-go.

How we got here

Surpassing our high ambitions came about with a lot of hard work and an open, investigative attitude to the opportunities offered by recent advances in data handling. And not least with invaluable help and support from our fantastic colleagues at Montel, the competent professionals with our partner SMHI, as well as the supportive feedback from hundreds of users.

We’ve only just started

EQ is all about continuous development, incremental improvements and cool new inventions. For obvious reasons, I cannot give away all our ideas,but we are happy to invite you into our power analysis laboratory, to share our ideas and test new concepts with you.

Why are we changing things? Because it’s 2018!

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