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Historical forecasts made easy

Hugo Birkelund
Archived blog post. This blog post has been transferred from our previous blogging platform. Links and images may not work as intended.

Acquiring a complete set of historical forecasts can be a costly and time-consuming process. We have boiled it down to three simple steps:

  1. Find the forecasts
  2. Select begin- and end date and lead time
  3. Press enter! With that we have removed all of the tedious and costly steps

The old-fashioned approach

Getting historical forecasts typically involves having to contact vendors, get help to identify variables, negotiate terms for additional services, wait for the delivery, wrestle with support, having almost unmanageable large files transferred to your system – where a large chunk of it will rest idle until it becomes outdated, and then, you have to do the whole procedure all over again to keep the historical forecast complete...

A too cumbersome process we thought. So we simplified it.

The Energy Quantified approach

Man's hand using can opener to open a can of money

Assuming you have claimed your EQ access, all our forecasts are available for download as far back as we have generated them. All you need to do is:

  1. Find the forecasts you are looking for
  2. Set start- and end-date, lead time and resolution
  3. Press enter!

And of course: Instead of having to transfer the large data sets to your system for storage, you may save your search settings only.

With the search criteria stored, you may go back and add variables you overlooked initially or maybe update your database live, via our Time series API or the Excel Integrator. This is very flexible.

How can it be that simple?

  • Self-service: You may search the variables with our Google-like search function. No need to know a complicated nomenclature. Let us know if you prefer assistance.
  • Infrastructure: We have opened up our Time series API and Excel Integrator so you easily can retrieve forecasts, with 1- to n-days lead time. Learn how with our step by step procedure.

No processing time or surcharge: Access to the full history of Energy Quantified’s forecasts, and other data, is included in our pricing.

Why do we do this? Because we can!

Numbers count.

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