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If you only had one excel sheet

Archived blog post. This blog post has been transferred from our previous blogging platform. Links and images may not work as intended.

Starting as a power analyst almost 20 years ago, I dreamt of a source that would present all the data I ever wanted, in a standardised format, in the desired resolution and wanted lead time, and for all individual price areas in Europe.

Little did I know that I would have to build this myself.

EQ Excel Integrator (early version)
The first version of EQ Excel Integrator.

Introducing the EQ Excel Integrator

So, together with my colleagues at Energy Quantified, I have put together such a tool. The EQ Excel Integrator allows you to access our complete database. It is perfect for data mining, model building, prototyping and daily analysis.

That said, the world has moved on since 1999. I would probably not advise professionals to build their business based on Excel spreadsheets. It is perhaps more efficient to hook up to the EQ database via the well-documented API.

However, before you do that, I suggest you explore our database using the Excel tool. It is quick and convenient.

Numbers count

Imagine you want to make an update on, say Serbia (although it could be any price area or individual variable). A search for “Serbia” in the Excel Integrator returns all available variables we currently produce for Serbia.

You may of course choose whatever resolution you prefer, from our intra-hour model resolution to hourly, daily or even weekly.

A simply click on “Get Data”, and a clean, neat data matrix is presented. Now you can investigate historic data as well as forecasts, weather and fundamentals for Serbia (price forecasts will come soon).

And it is quick to implement. It should not take more than a few minutes to get the numbers you need.

Get the EQ Excel Integrator today

Head over to, grab your early access account, and you will be able download the Excel file from our platform.

And feel free to drop me an email at if you have any questions.

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