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River temperatures, we can have you covered

Hugo Birkelund
Archived blog post. This blog post has been transferred from our previous blogging platform. Links and images may not work as intended.

As rising river temperatures may affect the output at thermal power plants due to cooling water restrictions, we invite you to suggest a river location for which we can provide forecasts and historical data. But first, check which 18 locations in Germany and France which we already cover. As an user of Montel's Energy Quantified (EQ) you may of course see the reports and download the data from our self-service database. Click here if you prefer assistance on how to fetch he data.


Montel EQ is developing very fast. As river temperatures are on the rise again, we react to the need for accurate and timely forecasts. Beyond those we already cover, there are many more thermal plants which rely on river water for cooling. If yours is not on the list, let us add it for you.

Some river temperature forecasts for you!


As a small token of our gratitude for helping us develop a modern analytics service, you will get access to all our river temp forecast for free. This applies even if you suggest stations that are already provided to us following this blog.

How to provide your suggestion?

Please write us an email with the name and a short description of the power station and a brief explanation of how river temperatures affects your power plant(s). If the necessary modelling data is available, Montel EQ will shortly add both historical data and forecasts for your specific location.

Please note that we don’t distribute private data. Forecasts for any location will be made available to all users of Montel EQ. We respect your privacy so we will under no circumstances reveal the source of the suggestions.

Why are we doing this?

EQ’s mission is to provide the leanest possible access to price moving data for all participants in the power market. Alerting our users to changes in water temperatures or river levels which may trigger output reductions, is a component in this.

What more to expect from Energy Quantified?

Estimating the river temperatures is the first step. The next step is to couple this information to our database of production output and REMIT status for all relevant units.

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