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The Background of Energy Quantified

Archived blog post. This blog post has been transferred from our previous blogging platform. Links and images may not work as intended.

We are three power market professionals, with 40 years of combined experience in pioneering, building and maintaining well-known analysis platforms. Make no mistake, we feel privileged to have worked with so many exceptional and smart people.

But, as these businesses grew, an increasing amount of time was spent on management and making technical compromises – not on the things we love, which is innovating and building new stuff. So one day an idea emerged: What if one could start all over, use only the best available technology and move with the speed and agility only enjoyed when travelling light?

Long story made short, that is exactly what we have embarked upon. We named it Energy Quantified.

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Eylert Ellefsen

We have seen interesting price movements in the Central Western Europe (CWE) and South Eastern Europe (SEE) powermarkets at the start of 2021, but how well did traders position themselves in the week- and month-ahead contracts in these markets?

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German coal closures raise peak prices by nearly 10 €/MWh week 1, lifting Nordic prices

Eylert Ellefsen
Eylert Ellefsen

Amongst the 4.8 GW of coal-fired production capacity that was closed down by the end of 2020 were several rather modern plants which often ran at max capacity during peak-hours in Q1 and Q4 last year. We reviewed the potential impact of the German coal-exit in a blog post on 8 December.

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Eylert Ellefsen
Eylert Ellefsen

The times they are a-changin'. Bob Dylan's well-known lyrics can be used to describe what is happening in the Nordic power market after the New Year. After a very bearish 2020, everything is currently bullish: Hydrological balance is declining, the forward prices are increasing, temperatures are below normal, and the spot prices have skyrocketed.

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