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Video: ECMWF models updated

Hugo Birkelund
Archived blog post. This blog post has been transferred from our previous blogging platform. Links and images may not work as intended.

Update: This video has since been removed.

ECMWF has made the most extensive model upgrade in years. They made a great job documenting the changes. However, it may be hard to make sense of all the details and understanding how all this affects your usage of the forecasts.

Energy Quantified explains you the main points in this three-minute video.

ECMWF Upgraded VIdepo Picture

The video shows you

  • Which models are added.
  • What is the most important change to existing EC modes?
  • How can you get access forecasts of fundamentals from the new models?

Something everybody should know

We have also spend some time on learning you when the most important models arrive over the day. After all, each update constitutes a potential market mover. It is my opinion that all power professionals should know this by heart.

Energy Quantified’s Gantt chart of the forecast update schedule gives an intuitive overview that is easy to remember.

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