Energy Quantified has started working on a market update, where we look at the main market indicators on a weekly perspective. This blog series is a sneak peek into how the market update report would look like.
Read StoryEnergy Quantified has started working on a market update, where we look at the main market indicators on a weekly perspective. This blog series is a sneak peek into how the market update report would look like.
Read StoryEnergy Quantified has started working on a market update, where we look at the main market indicators on a weekly perspective. This blog series is a sneak peek into how the market update report would look like. Updated on 5 November.
Read StoryWhen thunderstorm Alex hit France and the Alpine region on 2 and 3 October it caused devastating flooding in several areas as precipitation hit once-in-a-century levels. In this blog post, we assess the impact on CWE spot prices and the hydrological balance in the region.
Read Story1000 % of normal precipitation over two days.
Read StoryIn April, EDF sharply cut its nuclear output target for 2020 from the 2019 level of 380 TWh to 300 TWh, and then revised it up again in July to 315-325 TWh. In this blog post, we offer an updated overview of the nuclear outlook, power balance and market prices for the rest of the year.
Read StoryOn 25 April (week 17), EQ published a blog post showing the impact the Corona-virus was having on the consumption for 16 countries across western Europe. As the holiday season has mostly come to an end, we have now reviewed our demand outlook for the rest of the year.
Read StoryThe hydropower situation in Austria is now at a nearly maximum resource level. Production from the reservoirs has to be increased in the coming weeks to avoid further flooding and uncontrolled production levels. So far, we haven't seen any effect on the spot market as the German renewables are the main price drivers. However, the strong Austrian hydropower will contribute to slightly lower domestic spot prices.
Read StoryThe market outlooks for 2021 are very exciting with uncertainty about French nuclear capacity, effects of German coal-fired and nuclear phase-outs, and consumption and financial recovery from COVID-19. In addition, there is an upward potential for both CO2 and gas prices.
Read StoryThe hydropower situation in Romania and most of Southeastern Europe improved in July after a wet June. Price differences between Austra (CWE region) and Hungary/Romania (SEE region) are significantly reduced from the start of Q2. Outlooks for August indicate that the price difference most likely will come out lower than 7 €/MWh which has been traded in the end of July.
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