
Energy Quantified's technical blog on product updates, tips for energy market participants, case studies and more.

Happy birthday 2019

Hugo Birkelund
October 10, 2019

This week we celebrate our 2nd anniversary as Energy Quantified or simply “EQ” – a Montel company. Two years on, we provide “all you need to be in power” for all price areas in Europe.

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Mr Hydrology joins EQ

Hugo Birkelund
October 9, 2019

We are pleased to announce that Eylert Ellefsen joins Energy Quantified (EQ) as a senior analyst. Many will recognise Eylert as the person who pioneered the development of hydro models in Europe.

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Christmas in March

Hugo Birkelund
October 9, 2019

It is only one week until Montel’s 5th Alpine Energy conference kicks off in Lech, Austria. Every year, before I begin my journey to the Alps, I get the sweet anticipation of Christmas. Meeting old friends, making new ones, copious amounts of food, and the opportunity for outdoor snow activities. Ahhh.

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Pick up your Early Access

Hugo Birkelund
October 9, 2019

Energy Quantified is proud to announce that we have opened Early Access.

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Where to meet Energy Quantified in 2018

Hugo Birkelund
October 9, 2019

Energy Quantified offers many opportunities to meet us for a talk about power analysis. We plan to be present at almost all Montel events throughout 2018.

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What is Energy Quantified?

Hugo Birkelund
October 9, 2019

Energy Quantified was founded in September 2017 with the aim of creating the most innovative data and analysis platform for the power markets. Starting with a blank canvas, the portal will combine recent advances in machine learning algorithms with proven fundamental models.

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Welcome to the blog

Hugo Birkelund
October 9, 2019

Welcome to Energy Quantified's blog. By now 7 very busy weeks have passed since we started out on the 1st of September 2017. We thought it was time to shed some light on how things are developing.

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