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Happy birthday 2019

Hugo Birkelund
Archived blog post. This blog post has been transferred from our previous blogging platform. Links and images may not work as intended.

This week we celebrate our 2nd anniversary as Energy Quantified or simply “EQ” – a Montel company. Two years on, our service provides “all you need to be in power” for all price areas in Europe.

One year after the official launch of our first product we already serve several hundred users throughout Europe with what we believe is the most convenient and timely access to price forecasts and market-moving numbers. The feature list may demonstrate why EQ attract many users.

What EQ provides

The table shows a list of the information we provide, parted in three pillars: Weather, Fundamentals, and Prices. However, it contains lots of variables – ranging from live price forecasts, quantified REMIT messages, hydrology models, high-resolution fundamental forecasts powered by seven of the best weather models, churning out 24 updates every day.

EQ Content September 2019

Adding to this, almost all these variables, come in three time slots:

  1. Historical data
  2. Within the horizon of the weather forecasts
  3. Beyond the horizon of the weather forecasts

The following figure illustrates this.

EQ_Content_Each_Varaiable Sept 2019

Finally, factoring in that EQ provides this for all price areas in Europe and Turkey, you will realise that EQ’s service is massive.

EQ knows there is an increasing information overload. That is why convenient access, that allows you to grow your core business is paramount to us. It is fair to say:
That is our product. That is our value-added to our users.

Probably it explains EQ's rapid customer growth.

Stop bloating your database

EQ's time series database is continuously updated. That's why our users often connect their developer tools (Excel, MATLAB, R or Python) and models directly with the EQ database. For instance, our free Excel Integrator will give you access in less than 3 minutes.


The advantage of open access, self-service, and direct coupling is obvious: You enjoy uninterrupted and on-demand access to numeric market intelligence and analysis. There is no unnecessary bureaucracy between you and the information.

Do you manage a local portfolio?

We did initially not plan for it, but local forecasts have become a substantial part of our offerings. Tell us where you operate, and we will feed you everything you need in a consistent format. Be prepared for the future with forecasts on a 15-minute resolution. Check it out here or contact me.


Thank you

Our users trust in us is our motivation to continue innovating. We could not have come this far without the invaluable help and support from our fantastic colleagues at Montel and the competent weather professionals with our partner SMHI.

Just started

We started EQ with a strong desire and aim to develop features continuously. Simply because improving existing features and adding new stuff is what makes us tick. This week, for instance, we added new functionality to our REMIT system and empowered users to conveniently fetch forecasts at a shorter interval. Besides that, our pan-European hydrology project is making daily noticeable progress.

As we like to say: Numbers count.

Feel free to drop me an email at if you have any questions.

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