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Pick up your Early Access

Hugo Birkelund
Archived blog post. This blog post has been transferred from our previous blogging platform. Links and images may not work as intended.

Energy Quantified is proud to announce that we have opened Early Access.

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Early Access means that you get immediate access to our analysis and models that are being developed with the EQ community's involvement.

These are models that evolve as you use them, as you give feedback, and as the developers update and add content.

We like to think of our models and analysis development as services that grow and evolve with the involvement of customers and the community of users. There have been several prominent companies, e.g. in the gaming industry and app development that have embraced this model of development recently and found a lot of value in the process.

EQ is now bringing this approach to power analysis development. We want to ship early, involve users, and build lasting relationships that help everyone make better use of our analysis, and we prioritise our resources better.

How do I get involved?

Just grab your access and start using EQ. You will find opportunities to give feedback and get in contact with the development team in the web app.

Numbers count.  

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